mom of 5, wife, fulltime Cardiovascular Registered Nurse, ISSA Certified Ass Kicker, owner and developer of (underconstrucution)... prepping for my first figure compeition

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So I worked a 12 hour shift last night but won't complain because it was a good night... and those types of night are sometimes hard to come by. It was so nice that I manage to run up and down 8 flights of steps on my 30 minute lunch break... sweet!!! This morning however, was madness!! On the way home which is only about a 5 to 7 minute drive I received about 4 phone calls from my kids... "mom, Etaya's (my youngest daughter) not listening to me or mom, Etaya is fighting with me (she's a feisty one), mom, mom , mom....). I couldn't drop these kids off fast to school fast enough.
It just amazes me how much laundry we have. I spent all day yesterday watching clothes only to see the laundry basket fill up again so quickly. So here we go again, first load in the washer while trying to get some cat naps in between loads. I'm off tonight so getting in some shut eye is really not a priority. If I'm lucky I will get 2 to 3 hours max. I can function off of 2 hours of sleep with little difficulty though because I'm so use to it. So while the kids are at school I use this time to get my household back in order.
It's now about 1430 (sorry I'm a nurse and all I know is military time) and while I wait for my oldest daughter to walk through the door I'm catching up on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, my up and coming website... and blogging of course. Whew, time consuming but necessary to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish. As soon as my daughter walks through the door I'm off to the gym for 60 minutes on the stepmill... cardio session #1. I'm back before the the rest of the crew walks through the door and it's time to knock out homework and get dinner started. My husband is usually home by 1730. Today is leg day and I'm seriously hoping I can talk him in to doing some late night weights and cardio #2 with me when the kids are down... I dragging here and need some pushing!! Aahhh... a day in the life of Etaya!! No, this shit is not easy and I should be allowed to find an excuse here and there but I don't and that's what happens when you want something so badly... you make no excuse!! How do I find the time with my broad is the number one question that I get thrown at me!! Easy... I'm in the gym before my kids wake up and after they go to sleep at night. Sometimes I'm in the gym 3 x a days getting my workout done in spurts just to make sure it gets done. For example, tonight I will be in the gym for about 2 hours from 10 to midnight (now remember with only 2 to 3 hours sleep today) and then I will be back in the gym bright and early right when they open at 5 am to get my first round of cardio in and then back again for weights and more cardio once I drop the kids off to school. I work tommorrow night... my work schedule is so messed up this week. I told the owner of the gym he should seriously think about putting me on his payroll since I'm there so much. He just laughed of course but I'm dead serious!!
So I'm going to be bold this year and commit myself to 5 competitions in 2010 with the first happening mid June in El Monte, California. I will be 16 weeks out this coming Sunday. Last year I prepped for 2 competitions only to pull out when it came near. My kids are heavily involved and athletics and their game time always managed to fall on those dates. My girls have voiced how badly they want to see me on that stage. I even had my oldest daughter tell me she will skip track this year because she knows the season is right around the time these competitions take place... sweet kid!! Track will still resume and so will my competitions... just like everything else in my life, I will find a way and I will make it happen... NO EXCUSES!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are a machine woman! A She-ro of the highest order. I take care of 2 boys, my handicapped brother-in-law, train 6 days a week and work part-time and I am toast at the end of the day. How on earth do you do it?
